Scar Serum

dermalmd 324723 #1 Scar Serum. for Scars, Top Scar Serum especially on the face, can mar one’s appearance. However, medical research has identified the cause of scarring as well as ways to deal with this scarring. While other serums use bleaches and fading solutions to reduce the appearance of scars, this actually can cause more damage to delicate skin cells. DermalMD’s Even Tone Serum works in exactly the opposite way. It encourages cells to grow in a healthy and even manner to create beautiful.
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Scar Serum

$62.00 01-01-2029


Many people assume that scars are just a fact of life, that there is no way to get rid of them or diminish their appearance. However, this is not the case. There are ways to rejuvenate healthy cells and encourage them to grow in the place of unsightly scarring. Whether you have acne scars or scars from injuries, there is hope.

 DermalMD's Scar Serum Serum works on a cellular level to fade and control scars of all sizes and all kinds. This revolutionary serum has been scientifically formulated to:

  1. Increase collagen production, which naturally heals scar tissue
  2. Increase elastin in cells, which creates a youthful and healthy tone
  3. Replace dead and unhealthy scar tissue with healthy, normal cells
  4. Supply antioxidants that prevent and heal cellular damage from the sun and other external elements
  5. Supply vitamins and nutrients that skin cells require for optimal growth
  6. Restore healthy blood flow to damaged skin cells
  7. Reduce inflammation that causes redness and itching
  8. Reduce melanin overproduction that causes darkening and hyperpigmentation of scar tissue

Scars, especially on the face, can mar one's appearance. However, medical research has identified the cause of scarring as well as ways to deal with this scarring. While other serums use bleaches and fading solutions to reduce the appearance of scars, this actually can cause more damage to delicate skin cells. DermalMD's Scar Serum works in exactly the opposite way. It encourages cells to grow in a healthy and even manner to create beautiful, healthy skin.

Scar tissue is different from other types of skin. It does not have adequate amounts of collagen and elastin, which is why scars not only look different but also feel stiffer and less elastic. In addition, scar tissue often causes inflammation and hyperpigmentation in surrounding tissues that can accentuate the appearance of the scar. DermalMD's Scar Treatment Serum will stimulate the cells in scar tissue to produce more collagen and elastin, making them resemble normal healthy skin. In addition, it reduces inflammation and hyperpigmentation that call attention to scars.

The result of DermalMD's Scar Treatment Serum is healthy skin with scars that have been lessened. If you are ready to rid your skin of unsightly scars and blemishes, try this serum today.

***NOTE: This is only a limited time introductory sale.